How to do live web development

Oct 2, 2023

by Pranay

My Computer Specifications:

Step by Step Procedure:

  1. First, let’s install Visual Studio Code from the official website.
  2. Add Live Server extension from Extensions tab located in the top left corner of VS Code application.
  3. Create a folder in File Explorer. Name it project.
  4. Click File from top left section beside the VS Code logo. Choose Add Folder to Workspace and select your project folder from the file explorer. Click Add button.
  5. To add new files, click File again. Select New File and you will see a name bar pop up on the top. Enter index.html. Also create style.css and script.js.
  6. Now, start editing the files. To access your website, right click on index.html file and select Open with Live Server. It will open your site in a browser. Press Windows Key + < to edit in live side by side. Ctrl+S saves changes and they will reflect on your website instantly.
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Pranay Makkena

I am proficient in programming languages like Python and Java, React library and I also have expertise in marketing, including SEO and Social Media Marketing.